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Hello World!

This is a short test post to make sure that this eleventy based site is build right. Consist of some common typography and code block's styles test to make sure that the css rendered correctly.

Started with this very typical typography test of bold, italic, and the combination of both text. Then the below code block's styles test wrapped in <pre> tag applied to this Hello World! test post, which set its content <meta> to <noindex>.

Here's the two:

  1. if ignore goes inside <head> tag of the base.njk layout
<!-- _includes/layouts/base.njk -->

{% if ignore %}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex"/>
{% endif %}
  1. ignore:true key-value pairs goes to the post's front-matter
# posts/

title: Hello World!
description: A short hello world! test post
date: 2022-01-09
tags: [hello, eleventy]
+ignore: true

Finally, last but not least there's nothing much to say here but: thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy your surf.

See you around...